Intermediate Series Teacher Training with Tim Miller, 2014
Primary Series Teacher Training with David Swenson and Shelley Washington, 2015
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training with David and Cheryl Oliver, 2012
AcroYoga International Teacher Training with Jason Nemer, 2014
About My Path
My yoga journey began in 2010 at the legendary At One Yoga studio in Phoenix, Arizona. There, I had the privilege of sampling many different styles of yoga guided by exceptionally talented teachers. I developed a daily yoga practice from day 1, with Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga as the heart and helm of my journey.
I studied Ashtanga Yoga with John Salisbury regularly for approximately 2 years. Through led classes and Mysore style practice I learned technique, and recognized a great potential within the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga system for healing the body and developing clarity in the mind. I completed my first Yoga teacher training, a 200 hour certification, through At One Yoga led by John on 1-1-11, just 8 months after taking my very first yoga class.
My passion for yoga grew steadily stronger through teaching, as did my desire to further my education. I completed a 300 hour training though the Authentic Yoga Teacher Training program at Dave's Astanga Yoga. Under the guidance of Dave and Cheryl Oliver, I discovered what I consider to be the heartbeat of Ashtanga Yoga. I developed a solid foundation of Sanskrit. I studied key texts such as the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Upanishads. I was introduced to and inspired by Hindu mythology and Vedic chant in a practical but playful way. They became something of a toolbox for living a healthy lifestyle in modern culture.
I have since had the honor and privilege of training and mentoring aspiring teachers for teacher training programs of various yoga styles. My extensive studies have blessed me with the ability to cross modalities and cultures freely. I am pleased to serve diverse communities as a vessel for knowledge free of dogma.
In May of 2012 I moved to Encinitas, California to follow my lineage and practice Ashtanga Yoga with Tim Miller. What I found in Encinitas was infinite potential, constant refinement, and a deep sense of reverence and humility. In August 2014 I completed Tim's second series teacher training. As of this summary (April, 2018) I have maintained a consistent practice with Tim at Ashtanga Yoga Center for more than 6 years and hope to continue for many more.
In September 2014 I added AcroYoga International teacher training to my teaching tools. Although AcroYoga might appear to be a departure from my ashtanga journey, in truth it has only served to enhance it. I like to describe acro yoga as the eighth series of ashtanga- a series that develops trust, communication, and social engagement. While both practices develop strength, flexibility, balance, and endurance, Ashtanga is a predominately solo journey. Acro yoga requires that we take what we learn on the mat and practice it in community. In November of 2015 I refined my acro yoga techniques and teaching with the renowned Lux Sternstein of Seattle Acro in his "unofficial teacher training".
Hosting the Sundays at Swami's AcroYoga jam in Encinitas every week over the past 6 years has perhaps offered me the greatest acroyoga classroom of all. No single training has developed my teaching as thoroughly as basing, flying, and spotting hundreds of people from varying backgrounds, mentalities, physicalities, and skill sets.
In May of 2015 I enriched my Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga teacher training via David Swenson and Shelley Washington. In addition to learning with David and Shelley over 4 years out of my 5 Years of attendance at the Ashtanga Yoga Confluence, I have attended extended workshops with them at Pacific Ashtanga Yoga and intend to continue to learn from them for many years to come.
Between teacher trainings, I continue to keep the learning momentum rolling by attending various workshops and intensives hosted by Ashtanga and AcroYoga experts around the world. My other valued teachers are my peers and the less experienced, injured, or otherwise challenged students who graciously accept my assistance along their own yoga path. Without them my work would lack purpose and fulfillment. The more yoga I teach, the more committed I become to remaining a lifelong student of the practice.